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As I'm planning my StoryADay calendar, I'd like to know how I can best support YOUR writing journey in 2025.

Thanks for playing along.

Keep writing,


P. S. Have you joined in the 5-Day Mini-Challenge to get you set for the New Year? If not, you can catch up here.

Julie Duffy

Hi, I'm Julie Duffy, founder & director of StoryADay. Every year since 2010 I've challenged writers like you to prove to themselves that they can write more (and better) than they think, during the StoryADay May challenge. During the rest of the year, StoryADay supports you with the StoryAWeek newsletter (writing lessons & prompts), a popular podcast, blog posts, mini-challenges, courses, and a members' community. StoryADay May has become a fixture on the writing calendar, and the lively community is one of Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers. Join me for info, workshops, challenges & courses, and of course, the StoryAWeek newsletter.

Read more from Julie Duffy
cute girl wearing a life jacket, photo courtesy of the US Coast Guard

On the US Coast Guard’s website, there’s a whole page dedicated to why and when to wear your life jacket. tl;dr: always wear a life jacket if you are on or around water. read this article online I think our writing is exactly like that life-jacket: something not to be ignored and neglected because when we need it, we NEED it. How does a life jacket help? By providing buoyancy if you unexpectedly find yourself in the water. By providing buoyancy if you purposely jump into the water to save...

Cover of "StoryADay Writing Guides: Revision and Critique Primer" featuring abstract shapes and patterns in red, blue, and yellow. The text reads: "How to find and take feedback on your writing, without losing your mind." The title "Revision and Critique

“Any rejections to celebrate, this month?” I was at my first ever in-real-life writers’ group, and the organizer started the meeting by handing a microphone around the room, and asking people to celebrate what they’d achieved in their writing life, since they last met. Celebrate rejections? What kind of group is this?!, I thought, sure I was in the wrong place. It was the one of many ways I’ve had my expectations upended, on this writing journey. The longer I’ve stayed in the writing...

I’ve been neglecting you. Last year you told me you’d like to receive something writing-related from me on a Friday, for reading and acting-on, during the weekend. And I did nothing with that information. Until now. So I’m committing to sending you a little 'something for the weekend' on Fridays, this year. Let’s get started. First, a letter from me, then some writing prompts. Onward: Elephant In The Room Writers tend to be a pretty progressive lot. Our self-imposed job is to think about why...